
Culture at IITK


Culture is intricately interwoven into life at IIT Kanpur. IITK has hosted leading exponents of art forms from around the world. The IITK campus community also has exceptionally talented artists.


Pic: Vikram Gupta

Cultural Activities Happen Throughout the Year

The cultural activities at IITK nourish the mind, body and spirit of the campus community. The student community is very enthusiastic about all forms of cultural expression. The IITK annual calendar has a generous sprinkling of cultural events. IITK also hosts major cultural events every year with participation of students from all over India.

Pic: Bharat Lal


Pursue Your Passion at IITK

Besides being host to great artists IITK also supports budding talents among the campus community. There are many clubs that promote different cultural activities. It is a great place to pursue your passion for fine and performing arts. You can know more about cultural activies at IITK on this cultural societies page that lists the cultural societies at IIT Kanpur.


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IITK Radio
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